Friday, February 4, 2011

Spring thoughts in Winter...

Well, we just recently had a large amount of snow dumped on our state. I normally very much enjoy winter. It is not very often that you can go exploring outside without fear of snakes or poison ivy (for those who don't know me I have an irrational fear of poison ivy). Plus the world looks so pretty in white. However as of late, I have been craving some spring grass and warmth. Maybe it is because I work outside on the weekends and freeze, or maybe it is the senioritis of my last semester at college kicking in. Either way I have been daydreaming of spring; this then produced some editting of old spring and summer photos. Last summer my friends and I went up north for my birthday. A hobby of mine is going to quaint antique stores and soaking up the history. So here are some of my favorite spring and summer things... outdoors and antiques, which I thought I would share with you all. Enjoy! :)

1 comment:

timandsav said...

Looking good! should make it possible to follow the blog...